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5 Basic HTML Tags Every Blogger Should Know

  5 Basic HTML Tags Every Blogger Should Know Image Source: FreeImages ‍ In order for your blog to have some structure and meaning, you need to insert appropriate HTML tags. These tags are essential for the way your blog looks and makes it more readable for search engines and your readers. Functional HTML can seem like a daunting thing for new bloggers, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll find that using HTML has many benefits. It is not as difficult as it appears at first sight, and once you understand the principles behind it and how to use it, creating an attractive blog will be much easier for you in the future. Fortunately, there are only 5 basic HTML tags that every blogger needs to know when putting together their blog. This article will cover those 5 tags and their usage so that you can implement them into your own blog post or website. The HTML h1> Tag The h1> tag is the most important tag to know when creating your blog. It is the heading that will be used to descri

How to view HTML / webpage source code from Android and PC

When we visit the websites, in the some websites we see some wonderful things there, sometime we want to view that programme "(source code)", but what you can do, if you haven't any idea for view the programme "(source code)". so today I bought one simple idea for this issue. You just pay a little attention here to solve that issue.

This idea is merely for smartphones and windows pc user. For others i will write on my next post, so keep subscribe to learn new ideas.

Now i start to talking about "how to view source code on smartphones and windows."

  • 1. For smartphones
  • On smartphones you can view source code by two tricks.

    That's is

  • (a). From chrome browser.
  • On chrome browser you just need to write view-source:http://www.yourdomain.com on the url bar then click Go, the website source code is open in next tab of your browser.

    If you want the proof for it, you simply copy the marked text then replace the http://www.yourdomain.com marked text with your website url and write that on url bar of your chrome browser, there you see proof at a glance.

  • (b). From vt view source app.
  • On this trick you need to download vt view source app from play store and install it on your smartphone then open it, the input url field is show on popup window, type your website url there then click ok, you need to wait a minute there, then after you will see your website source code in your smartphone screen.

    On this app you can do edit, save and share the source code of website. Download now.

  • 2. For windows
  • The windows trick is simple to view source code of website. You just need to press shortcut key on your keybord.

    The shortcut key is Ctrl + U you just press this shortcut key on current loaded website, your source code is open in the next tab of your browser.

    If you want to do this things using many other browsers then you can learn from Wiki How

    Keep subscribe and share this blog i will write a useful and knowledgeable article on next post.


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